Friday, February 4, 2011

Second Chances

Second Chances  6" x 6"   Oil on Clayboard Panel

Sometimes in love and life we get second chances.   This painting is a second chance.   I tried painting a Camellia last week and after 2 1/2 hours wiped it out!   It was terrible!  However, today, I took a second chance.   First, I used the largest brush I had.   Second, I only had 35 minutes to work.   Lastly, I was painting on clayboard for the first time.   It isn't perfect but I didn't wipe it out.   As for the clayboard .. right out of the package .. the paint quickly soaked in and prevented me from smearing and blending after the fact.  It made me work quickly and decisively.  Just what I needed.  It may be dust tomorrow ... but I gave it a chance!!  

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful! I didn't know you had started a blog also! So cool! I am happy to be a follower! Can't wait to see all you paint! Beautiful photo of you too by the way!
